Greetings dear readers. I know its already 2/3rs of the way through January and there's been no new posts here, which of course has prompted a number of questions such as "Are we getting any new stories?", "Tell us you your still writing about these characters...", "The book is still coming later this year, right?"and even "Are you planning on keeping this blog going?"
So many questions, but luckily I have a simple answer for all of them:
The blog is continuing and new stories are coming. The book is still on schedule to be released around Sept/Oct of this year.
The reason why I haven't been posting anything new lately has been because of a little thing called
I had really hoped that during the winter break from university I'd have a chance to catch up on my writing and get a bunch of stories lined up. As it turns out, life had other plans for me. Between the holidays and having family visiting, December and early January were quite busy.
Then as things started to quiet down I got a job offer, which I have accepted, with the County of Monterey. This will be a full-time job which means I can only take 6 units of school at a time. However, in order to keep my current housing situation here at campus I need to be full-time. I still have a lease here that lasts until the end of May, so my wife and I have sent an appeal to allow us to stay until then while we arrange for new housing elsewhere. If that is accepted, we'll be okay. Otherwise, we'll have to scramble and find a new place much sooner.
I should have answer by this weekend or early next week. If our appeal is refused... things could get complicated for a while. So please bear with me and I'll fill you all in as soon as I have an answer and know what the next few months have in store for us.
Also, if you don't mind, keep your fingers crossed for us as well...
We need all the luck we can get right now.
In the meantime, know that Nathan has been kept busy elsewhere. I have been working on "The Door" which comes out before "The Vampyre Blogs-Coming Home", and will guest star Nathan along with the characters from my first two books "The Bridge" and "The Ship".
"The Door" will wrap up those storylines, as well as reveal more of Nathan's past experiences that have been hinted at in several entries here and will be well-worth checking out.
So stay tuned and thank you for your continued patience. I'm eager to get back to more stories involving Nathan, Marisa, Lisa and everyone else. And believe me all of them have been clamouring inside my head with story ideas they want to see written next as well.
I might have to have them draw straws to see who gets their story told first.
That's all I have for now. Until next time my friends...