Oh Alaska, how bewitching you are, I never tire of visiting you. Earlier this evening I visited a tavern/hotel made completely of ice. And I'm not talking about just the building itself but all the decor inside was also made of ice. The bar, the chairs, tables, even the glasses were all made of ice. The artistry that went into each and every item was exquisite. I could spend hours inside that place with my paints trying to capture the colors and beauty, to no avail. Mostly because my paints or brushes would wind up freezing. Just kidding. It's cold inside but not nearly as bad as outdoors where the wind was howling.
But as much as I was enjoying myself, I began to hear the call. It wasn't one you could hear with your ears. No this was the call of the siren of the woods, beckoning for me to come and dance with her beneath the stars. Her song was so alluring I didn't hesitate to answer.
Soon I found myself out in the wild once more. Above my old friends the stars smiled down upon me as I gazed up through frozen waterfalls. It's nights like these where I truly believe that magic does exist in the world. For all the technology and logic we're taught, the beauty nature can create on her own is beyond compare.
I almost felt like intruder in some ways. The loud crunch of my feet in the snow made my self-conscious. I began to feel like I was defacing the peace and beauty of the land.around me. Then I thought back to one of my favorite movies, "The Fellowship Of The Ring" and remembered how Legolas actually walked and ran on top of the snow without disturbing it. After a few tries I managed to lighten my step so as not to disturb the surface of the snow as I moved across it in silence.
Soon I raced across the snow laughing and jumping, leaving no trace of my passing behind. It felt exhilarating. The feel of the breeze against my cheeks was invigorating. I soon found myself wanting to ride the gentle wind and came to a halt underneath some trees. Unlike the vampires of legend when I shift my shape, my clothing does not change with me. Instead it remains behind while the rest of me takes whatever from I choose.
Tonight, I chose bats.
My hands and arms were the first to shift and break apart and free themselves of my garments. Soon my shoulders and chest followed, along with my neck and head. It's a strange experience, one that is not easy to put into words. My senses change in ways one cannot imagine. I don't mean merely the fact that I take on the keen hearing and senses of the animal form I take, especially when I become not one but many. I am keenly aware of what's going on with every single one of me that separates. I see and hear through its eyes and ears. I feel the sensation of the breeze and smell of the air as my forms spread out across the night sky. Its the same when I become a horde of rats or mice. I'm aware of each tiny foot hitting the ground, every whisker that is tickled by a piece of grass or other object. Yet I'm not overwhelmed by all the information. Instead I can take it all in and analyze it without pause or hesitation. And I can enjoy and revel in all of it. It's wondrous.
Much like the aurora that finally begins to pain the night sky above. But this time I'm seeing it from multiple angles. But even more importantly, I'm in the air and get closer than ever before. There is a magic here and tonight I got to be a part of it. As strange as my existence is, it can be a wonderful life.