Uncle Nathan is the coolest guy ever!
Back when we'd been in Europe he'd promised to take me to some places that had vintage clothing and today he did just that. It was a raining today so we didn't have to worry about the sun bothering him as we drove around. At the first place we stopped I found this really nice-looking old bustle skirt in black that fit just perfect. Unfortunately, it was a little out of my price range, but not Nathan's. He bought if for me.
"It looked perfect on you," he explained. "And I would know, I spent a lot of time looking at women from the front, from behind, all around in fact."
I gently slugged him on the arm for that one and called him a pervert to which he replied, "Excuse me, I did work in theater for a coupled of decades doing a lot of different jobs, including helping with people's outfits. I had to make sure they looked right before they went on stage."
"Sure, you did," I teased back.
"Right, that does it," he announced and took me to a theater that was running a burlesque show.
Now before anyone freaks out, the show wasn't going to be on until later. So the only people there were a couple of the girls who were rehearsing and the troupe's leader, a woman named Olivia. Much to my surprise when she spotted Nathan her face lit up and she came running over to give him a big hug crying, "Uncle Nate! Oh, how I've missed you. Hey, everyone Nate's here!"
I swear one of these days I'm going to find out exactly how many people are part of his 'extended family' besides mine. Back in Europe there were quite a few, but now I'm beginning to think that the the actual numbers are much larger.
In this case it made sense. Apparently a number of friends and cousins were in charge of this burlesque troupe. I don't think all of them know his real secret as a couple of the people mentioned how unusual it was to see him in the day. "You usually only come around at night when we have a show going," one mentioned.
Uncle Nate merely waggled his eyebrows and said, "Well, you have to admit the sites around here are much more interesting at night."
While everyone burst out laughing, I was given the grand tour backstage while Nathan was giving people a hand here and there with the backstage equipment and event he costumes. Apparently he was telling the truth as several of the girls asked for his opinion and help with some of their outfits. I think a few were trying to flirt, but mostly they did want his advice and help.
It was interesting to see all the inner workings of a theater backstage. I'd never been behind the scenes before, so this was a real treat for me.
Plus I got to see inside one of the dressing rooms where they kept all the clothing and make-up. One of the things they all stressed to me was although I wanted to go for an authentic look I should also keep in mind, be able to move and breathe.
"We don't just get out there and start stripping, we're dancing," one girl told me. "We do splits and a lot of other acrobatics. And some of us are wearing corsets and those can be constricting so if you're not careful you could make your life really miserable. So choose items that allow movement and fabrics that breathe and you'll be okay."
I thought this was great advice, because the theater teacher at my high school has been complimenting me on my outfits lately. She says I have an eye for style and authentic looks and has been hinting I should maybe join her class. I told her I'd think about it and now I really am. This could be a great experience for me and open up some doors down the road. I may do it since I have more time to myself these days. Marisa is still being distant, but at least now I know what's going on. Her dad is fighting cancer and she's spending as much time with him as possible in case things go bad.
I'd love to be there for her, but my parents say I should respect her wishes to be with her family more, so I'm giving her her space. I'm still going to try and be there for her as much as possible, especially at school. But I'm going to do as my parents say and giver her her space. I just hope things go well so we can start hanging together again. I really miss her.
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