
Showing posts with label Lisa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisa. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Help Choose The Cover...

I interrupt this story line with a request for help from you the readers.  

The second draft of "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home" is over halfway done.  I'll be sending it to my proofreader/editor for a good vetting by the end of the month (provided all goes well).  

In the meantime, I'm facing a dilemma regarding the book's cover.  I've completed the artwork seen here:

As you can tell I did not incorporate the title into the image this time, because I just couldn't make it work with the scene I'd pictured.  I had tried spelling it out in the tree branches but it looked more confusing and hard to read.  So I experimented with a letter-box version seen here:

From there I tried black lettering over the image, which I think is a bit hard to read...

Finally I went with white lettering over the image...

For myself, I've preferred the red letter-box version since the red helps bring out the colors of the artwork itself.  

But I want to hear from you before I make a final decision.  Please leave your responses in the comment section below and I will announce the results during the finale of the current short story.

Thanks for all your patience and support.  The novel WILL be out this October just in time for you to add it to your spooky Halloween reads.  

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Lisa's Private Thoughts - In Search Of... March 24, 2013

It's been a while since I last wrote anything here, but that was mostly because I haven't seen Nathan since just after New Year's Day.  Dad told me Nathan had gone off to Europe for a couple of months and that he'd be back around June.  But the fact that none of us had gotten a phone call or e-mail, made me start to worry.  I began to think that telling Nathan I was in love with him during my Sweet Sixteen party had scared him off or something.

The thought got so strong that I barely ate any dinner and headed off for a walk as soon as the sun went down.  Of course I headed downtown and eventually found myself staring up at the building that housed "The Crypt".  Being a Sunday night, the club was closed, yet I spotted lights on in a couple of the third floor windows.  

I knew Nathan rented out some of the rooms up there as studios to local artists, musicians, and dancers.  But last I heard, none of the rooms were currently being used.  Curious, I decided to head inside and check things out.  

Pulling out the set of keys that Nathan had given me as part of my birthday gift last December, I unlocked the main doors and let myself in.  Like most older buildings around here there was a short flight of steps that led to a lobby that felt right out of a 1940's Noir film.

Naturally the area was empty, but it was also very silent.  After standing and listening near the main stairs that led to the upper floors, I decided that whoever was up there was not a musician or dancer.  It could have been one of the artists, or... it was Nathan himself.  

That last thought got my feet moving.  

Taking the steps two-at-time, reached the second floor within seconds.  Pausing at the landing I didn't see any signs of life anywhere.  There were no lights coming from underneath any of the doors in that hallway, nor was there any sounds of music or movement.

But that made sense.  After all I saw the lights on the third floor.  So I started on the next flight of steps then stopped about halfway up.  If whoever was up there wasn't Nathan or any of his 'renters' I could be busting in on someone who didn't belong here, like a prowler or some gang-bangers.

Carefully I pulled out my cellphone and made sure it was in Silent Mode.  Then I put it in my hand with a finger over the 9 key, in case there was trouble.  Bracing myself, I continued up the rest of the steps as quietly as possible.  When I reached the landing I carefully peaked around the corner.

It was empty and I noted that several doors were open, including one or two which had lights on in them.  

I waited but didn't hear any sound, nor did I spot any shadows moving in the lit rooms.  Feeling a little more confident I headed down the hallway.  I was wearing sneakers instead of my usual Goth-style boots, which muffled my footsteps.  

Soon I reached the first open door and peaked inside.  At first it didn't seem like anything was out of place nor was there anyone in sight.  But then I noticed a man's shoes and ankles speaking out from behind the desk.  It appeared that whoever they belonged to was stretched out on the floor.  

"Hello?" I called gently but received no answer.  

Drawing a little closer I could see more of the man's lower legs.  He was definitely laid out on the floor and not moving. 

I began to shake a little at that point.  Whoever it was could be asleep, but on the floor?  That didn't seem right at all.  Bracing myself I moved closer until I was able to just peer over the desk to see the rest of the figure.  

Yet in spite of all my precautions, I couldn't help but gasp at what I saw.


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Lisa's Private Thoughts July 4th, 20--

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Tonight's fireworks display was spectacular as always.  I have to say here in Pointer we know how to party.  There was a huge barbecue in the park as always where most of the families converged.  Marisa, me and a few others like Teddy had blast.  There was the annual softball game, frisbees flying everywhere, and the traditional water balloon toss.  And as per usual, the waterballoon game turned into an all out water pistol fight thanks to 'certain' individuals who's name begins and ends with the letter N.  Naturally, Uncle Nathan denies the charges even though he was the one who handed me a couple of the water pistols himself claiming they were "Strictly for self-defense."

He doesn't realize I saw him pull another one out of his costume and nailed Marisa with it.  Then he had the nerve to tell her it was me who started it and then handed her a couple of weapons so she could get even.

Amazingly, he managed to stay dry the whole time.  I think it was the outfit that got him spared. 

Dressing up like Richard Henry Lee, the representative from Virginia who first called for the colonies to break away from England during the Second Continental Congress, was a masterstroke.  No one had the heart to mess up his outfit.  Plus it allowed Uncle Nathan to disappear and reappear throughout the festivities as needed.  I know he had to keep hitting the red stuff in order to stay outside on a hot sunny day like this.  And of course, the guise allowed him to wander among all the families, including those who had no idea who or what he really was.  He does this sort of thing every time he spends the Fourth of July with us, which is like every other year.  

After the great water battle ended, a bunch of us felt like cooling in the shade for a while and headed for the large canopy where Uncle Nate was relaxing.  His face was a bit red so I knew he'd just had another bag or two of blood, which meant he'd be good for another couple of hours.  By then the sun would be setting and things would cool off and he'd be all right.

Remembering he needed to 'stay in character' I asked, "Mr. Lee, how does this celebration compare to the ones that took place years ago?  Have they changed much?"

Smiling he began speaking, "Well, my dear, back in my day the morning would start with artillery fire, which woke up most of the town who hadn't already been up.   Then there'd be some cannon and musket firing a little later and there would be a parade.  There'd be music, marching soldiers, and of course there would be speaker who'd gone on for about an hour or two.  Then the real fun began, at least for the men.  They'd head to a tavern while the women went home and took the children with them..."

At that point I had to butt in.  "Hold it, you're saying the women went back to their drab daily lives while the guys partied?  Am I the only girl here who finds that offensive?"

A loud "NO" erupted from all around me, which pretty much included every mom who was present.

Undaunted, Uncle Nathan continued, "I quite agree ladies.  Which is probably why things started changing around the 1850's.  Then the celebrations became more like what we have these days.  Oh there were still the parades, cannons, and muskets, but then most families would to on a picnic and watch the fireworks at night."

Here he paused and glanced around at his audience which had grown considerably, "We've had fireworks since the very first celebration, for those who didn't know.  And yes, we were careful not to burn down the entire town while doing it.  That's another thing that hasn't changed.  We were very proud of our accomplishment and how our country managed to hang in there and stay together.  Oh we've always had our differences of political opinion and what should and shouldn't be allowed, but America has always managed to hang together.  And that's because the people stuck together.  Here in West Virginia we fought to free people who had been denied their rights to be citizens because of skin color.  As a nation we later fought to keep aggressors from threatening our way of life and that of others overseas, not only once but on many occasions.  America was made up of immigrants and welcomed even more who brought many customs and ideas which became part of everyone's life.  And we have to remember that.  Some people complain about others not learning how to speak, read, or write in English, but not everyone did when we first started out.  Some cannot learn because they're too old or unwell and we have to make allowances for that and remember that none of our ancestors knew the native tongues of those who were living here before WE arrived.  But they were tolerant and tried to understand us because they knew some of us came to escape persecution.  In New York harbor there's a very tall lady who still welcomes everyone who wants a chance at a better life or to escape some kind of threat.  Patience, tolerance and understanding is what she represents as well as a second chance at a better life. May we all remember that and try to live up to those promises."

With that he raised a glass and wished us all a Happy Fourth of July and finished with "God Bless America and all who come to her shores."  Once more everyone cheered and I thought, so this is what the 4th of July was like when he was a boy.  We had a parade, a bit of cannon fire, muskets, a huge picnic, comeraderie and now we'd had a speaker.  A speaker who managed to reach out to his audience and make us really think.  And in a few hours we'd have fireworks.   Yeah, this is what the 4th of July should be like.  Thanks Uncle Nathan.


Monday, May 18, 2015

Lisa's Private Thoughts December 11th, 2012 - "Nathan, Mirrors and My Sweet 16th Birthday Party"... Conclusion

My heart was in my throat as he pulled me close for one last spin and I whispered, "I love you Uncle Nathan."

"I know," he smiled and finished our dance by putting me in a dip.  "But, it's Nathan or Nathaniel from now on.  You're not a little girl anymore Lisa.  And since I age way slower than anyone else around here, having you still call me 'uncle' is going to get people wondering and I can't have that."

Stunned and a little disappointed I nodded and muttered, "Okay, Nathan."

Then he stood me upright and kissed my hand, while the room broke out in thunderous applause.  I smiled as best I could under the circumstances.  I'd just declared my love for this man and all he could say was "I know..." and then told me to drop the 'uncle' part.  This was NOT how I had hoped things would go.  What the hell had just happened?

But before I could dwell on things further some of my friends rushed over and dragged me to one of the crystal tables so we could sit and talk.  I was too stunned to do anything but go along and soon, they had me in a much better mood.  Yet, I couldn't believe how Nathan had reacted to what I'd said to him.  Did he think I wasn't serious?  I offered him my heart for crying out loud!  

I tried to hold onto my annoyance with him, but it was slowly forgotten as friends handed me presents and told me how blown away they were by how much my family had done to set this place up.  My dad had been passing by at that moment and said, "Actually, this was all Nathan's doing.  He's spent the last few months planning this party and getting things arranged.  Mind you he did consult with us and we gave the approval.  But most of this was him."

"Oh my God, I want to see if he'll help set up my next birthday," one of the girls sighed.  "This is so cool.  I mean look, we can even see our reflections in the table."

Suddenly I stiffened and looked down.  

Sure enough, she was right.  I could see all their reflections in the tabletop, along with my own.  Panicking I looked around and spotted Nathan coming towards us.   Forgetting how angry I was with him I jumped up out of my seat and intercepted him saying, "I want another dance," and dragged him out onto the floor.

Then I remembered how shiny and polished the dance floor would be and looked down.  Immediately I let out a sigh of relief.  The entire floor was covered by a thin was covered by a thin layer of colored fog.  

Immediately I let out sigh of relief.  

As if reading my mind Nathan smiled. "I thought about how shiny the floor is and how it shows people's reflections," he said proudly.  

In the background a slow song came on and I allowed him to pull me in for a slow Rumba.  I tried not getting too close to him, but when dancing a Rumba you have to be practically joined at the waist.  

"Too bad you didn't think about the crystal tables!" I shot back.  "They show reflections too!"

Immediately, his face turned into a mask of embarrassment.  For several seconds he kept opening and closing his mouth without saying a word.  Finally he managed one word, "Oops." 

"Is that all you can say for yourself!  Oops!" I hissed "Not everyone here knows about you!"

"Which is why all the mirrors on the walls and in the restrooms are made without silver," he pointed out.  "They use a different backing that does reflect my image, so we're safe.  Why are you so upset?"

"Because..." I began but then my words disappeared.  

But once again, he seemed to know my thoughts and said quietly, "I know you meant it when you said you love me, Lisa.  And believe me, of all the people and godchildren I've watched over these last fifteen decades, you've become extremely dear and important to me.  So I'll make you this offer.  It's one I've made to others before, but as you know, no one's taken me up on it."

Catching my breath I nodded, "Go on."

"As I said earlier, you're no longer a child but a young woman," he said brushing my cheek with his as he leaned in close so only I could hear him.  "But I'm over a hundred and fifty years old.  I look like I'm in my late twenties.  I need you to catch up a bit first.  So, I want you to LIVE!  You must go on dates, go places, see things, maybe fall in love a couple of times along the way.  Some of them won't work out, but one might.  But if  none have by the time you've gotten closer to my 'apparent' age, if you still want to be with me... if I'm still the one you want to love and marry, I WILL make you my bride."

"Really?  You mean it?" I gasped pulling back so I could look straight at him.  Even before he could reply, I could see the answer in his blue eyes, he meant every word.

Still he answered, "Yes," as the fog suddenly rose up and hid us from sight.  That was when he kissed me, I mean really kissed me, as if we were already lovers.

After several moments our lips parted.  Before he could speak I told him, "Now I can hardly wait to hit my late twenties."

"But you have to live first," he gently reminded me.  "You have to get out and enjoy life.  Date other people and explore the world."

"I will," I promised as we finished our dance and the fog slowly fell back to the floor.

That was of course the highlight of the night for me.  Mind you, the rest of the evening was just as fantastic.  Marisa did make an appearance but could only stay an hour, but still it meant a lot to me. I spent the rest of the evening walking on air.  It's been a magical night and one I will always remember and treasure.

And I will keep my promise to Nathan.  I will start dating and exploring all that life and the world have to offer.  Then, when I turn twenty-nine, unless my life has taken an unexpected turn, I will go to him and become his wife.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Lisa's Private Thoughts December 11th, 2012 - "Nathan, Mirrors and My Sweet 16th Birthday Party" Part 2...

I swear I'd never seen main room of The Crypt done up so beautifully before.  The room was bathed in a magical blueish purple light, which had some hints of green accent.  Fake ice crystals hung from the ceiling over tables that were beautifully set up, while soft music seemed to waft through the air.  Only one thing was missing, people.  There wasn't a soul in the room except me and my family.  

Before I could say anything a greenish mist began to slowly envelop the floor. 

 It seemed to have a life of its own as it wafted and slowly covered the entire lower half of the room, leaving only the tables and upper halves of the chairs visible.  Then I felt my feet moving forward, taking me into the center of the room apparently of their own volition.  But in truth I could feel smoke-like fingers gently guiding me all the time.  It felt almost like a lover's caress, in some ways and it set my heart beating like never before.  I was brought to a halt in the center of the room where the mist suddenly rose higher until it blocked my view completely and all I could see was it.  Then as suddenly as it appeared, the fog thinned and suddenly sank revealing a huge crowd of family and friends all smiling and wishing me a happy birthday.

That's when the party really started.  I swear I never got hugged so much or kissed on the cheek so many times in all my life.  My parents got everyone seated and I wound up hopping from table to table to say hello and thank everyone for coming.  However, one person was missing, Nathan.  He was nowhere to be seen and that started to bother me.  I had really hoped that this day, of all days, he'd be here.  Especially since the party was taking place inside the club he's owned since the 1940's.

I tried not to let my disappointment show, but I think my parents were starting to notice when suddenly the room got very quiet.  I noticed everyone's gaze turned to a dark opening that led to one of the other dance floors.  Oh, did I mention The Crypt has several different rooms with dance floors?  Well it does and we'd only been in the main one which had been turned into a sort of a dining area where people could sit and eat.

Anyway, in the dark opening a mist began to swirl and make its way towards where I was standing.  For a moment I was half torn between excitement and nervousness.  It was Nathan, it just had to be.  Yet a I wasn't sure.  But then the fog began to circle around me and I knew for sure it was really him. Especially when a hand emerged from the mist and took mine.

Soon his familiar frame and warm smile emerged from the cloud and he kissed me on the cheek and said, "Happy Sweet Sixteen, young lady."

Young lady, oh how those words sounded so good to my ears.  "Thank you," I whispered back as he turned to the archway he'd just emerged from and snapped his fingers.  Suddenly, the lights came on revealing a large dance floor which matched the decorations of the room we were standing in.  There were a few crystal-like tables on the outer edges, but otherwise it was clear this room was for one purpose, dancing.

A moment later, as if to let me know my suspicions were right, music began to play and Nathan led me into the room and the center of the floor.  Taking me in his arms he led me into one of the most amazing and tangos I'd ever experienced.  Mind you, he's danced with me many times before, but never like this.  He led me through turns and steps I didn't even know that well, but I could tell from the way everyone else was reacting as they watched us, that we were fantastic together.  Just as I knew we could be one day.  I just had to tell him...


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lisa's Private Thoughts December 11th, 2012 - "Nathan, Mirrors and My Sweet 16th Birthday Party" Part 1...

OMG!!!  Uncle Natha... no he asked me to stop calling him that because I'm no longer a little girl.  Nathan and my family totally ROCK!  Today was my 16th birthday in case you hadn't guessed.  Though from the number of birthday wishes I got in my e-mail and FB pages, you all knew that.  BTW, thank you all again.  I love you guys.

The day started out with my mom serving my favorite breakfast, and dad taking the day off of work at the college.  Even my baby brother Geoffrey seemed to know it was a special day, even though he's all of 10 months old.  He seemed to want to be with me more than usual.  I've never known him to be so cuddly and affectionate, but then again, I'm usually doing schoolwork or practicing special make-up effects and don't always have time for him.  I think I'm going to change that.  After all, I am his big sister and mom could use a break once in a while.  Besides, I'm going to have kids myself one day, so I better get used to handling and playing with one.  And so I did.  

I helped feed and play with him until I had to go to school.  God he squeals so loud when he's happy, and I loved every moment of it. 

He cried and fussed a bit when I had to leave for school, which really touched me.  I felt guilty and told my parents that birthdays, especially when a girl turns sixteen, should mean a person gets to take the day off.  Dad started to agree until Mom shot him a look and he quickly told me to get ready so he could drive me to school.

By the time I was ready, Geoffrey was fast asleep in his playpen.  I apparently wore him out, which earned me a grateful smile from Mom.  Anyway, school was pretty good.  Got lot's of birthday wishes from my classmates, as well as a few conspiratorial looks.  

Obviously, something was up, but I had no idea what.  Oh, I knew my parents had something special in mind, but they'd been real quiet about it.  All they'd tell me was that there was going to be a party at The Crypt.  I kept hoping it meant that Nathan was going to be around.  I hadn't seen him since school started in September.  I know he has other families and friends who live around the country and even overseas, who he likes to visit.  But, I was really hoping he'd come back today of all days.

Needless to say I wasn't disappointed.  But before I get to that, I wanted to tell you about Marisa.  When she saw me at school today she gave me a little present which thrilled me to no end.  Even before she gave it to me, I gave her a big hug just for remembering my birthday.

We've hardly spent much time together, but that's been because she's been staying close to her folks.  Her dad's been fighting cancer and she's wanted to be there for him as much as possible in case things go bad.  I've wanted to be there for her, but she's kept her distance for some reason I still don't understand.  But in any case, getting to hug her and know she still cares meant a lot.  

Afterwards we spent a bit of time together just catching up a bit, but every so often I noticed a sad look on her face whenever she glanced at my outfit.  I know my style has changed a lot since I came back from England last year, but I'm still the same.  I started going for a Gothic look after I came back and a lot of people think I'm now a 'Goth', but I'm not.  I'm the same person I was before, I haven't gone all gloomy and talk about dark things.  I just love the outfits and experimenting with make-up effects.  

In any case, we had a good lunch but then had to split up for our respective classes and I didn't get to see her again for the rest of the day.  I kept hoping she'd show up to whatever party my parents had planned for me.  

By the time I got home, I knew Mom was making my favorite dinner.  I could smell her spaghetti sauce from outside and my stomach started growling in anticipation.  We had dinner a little earlier than usual as we were supposed to be at The Crypt by six o'clock.  Needless to say I was excited.  I almost didn't taste my dinner I was so worked up.  Just after we finished eating Mom and Dad presented me with big box with a bow on it.  

"You'll want to wear this tonight," they told me.

I swear my hands were shaking I was so excited as I pulled the ribbon off and opened the box.  For a moment, I couldn't speak.  It was a dress, one that I had been dreaming of ever since we came back from England last year.

It was a wine-colored, shoulderless dress, with bodice that tied up the back.  I'd seen it back in an antique shop some months ago and had fallen in love with it, but hadn't had the money to get it at the time.  It was still there up until a month ago, when I'd finally saved up enough money to buy it, but it was already gone.  Now I knew why.  I didn't stop hugging my parents for a good five minutes I was so grateful.  This was turning out to be the best birthday ever.

But they had more in store for me.  After I raced upstairs with the dress I spent a good hour fixing my hair and doing my make-up just so.  I have really long black hair, which I knew would look great against the dress, so I took extra care getting my look just right.  Once I finished, I headed downstairs where my parents were ready with cameras.  

I didn't mind one bit.  I wanted to be able to remember this day as vividly as possible.  

Soon we were out the door and headed downtown to where The Crypt awaited.  It felt kind of funny walking down the lonely alley where the entrance to the club awaited, all dressed up like this.  I was expecting to see a crowd waiting around the steps that led down to the door of the club, but no one was in sight.  Naturally, I assumed everyone would be waiting downstairs, but instead as we walked down the stairs there was only silence until we reached the door which opened by itself and bathed us in a magical blue light which revealed the most amazing winter-themed room I'd ever seen...


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lisa's Private Thoughts - March 15, 2015 "Never Forgotten..."

*A note from the author: Terry Pratchett has long been one of my all time favorite authors.  He's made me laugh and think so often it never ceases to amaze me.  It's  because of him there are so many moments of laughter in my own work, but never enough to distract from the main storyline.  However, I've never reached the levels of hilarity and pointedness he could.  With his passing this week, I knew I had to do some kind of entry to say how much he and his work influenced me.  I struggled with how to come up with something to say, when I remembered Nathaniel who has been around for so long and has known so many people.  So, through him I share some thoughts and feelings on the passing of a wondrous author, as well as provide more insight into my vampyre and what makes him so special sometimes.  I hope you enjoy.*

My last class of the day got cancelled over at New River Tech, which is also where my dad teaches.   Marisa still had some classes as well, but I didn't feel like hanging around the campus.  So I decided to go and hang out over at Nathan's place.  He was probably still resting down in the ground, but at least I'd be there when he got up.

You can imagine my surprise when I got to his place and found he was up and about in the middle of the afternoon.  I found him sitting on the floor with his back me, with a bunch of books laid out in front of him. Surprisingly, none of them were the old worn hardback kind that lined the walls of the room.   Instead, these were all paperbacks, some going back as far as the 1980's.

Naturally, this piqued my curiosity so I quietly went over to him and took a look at the covers.  They were colorful with amusing artwork.  All of them were by the same author... Terry Pratchett. 

Immediately my heart sank.  "Did he...?" 

Nathan nodded.  "It was all over the internet this morning," he sighed and looked up at me.  "I'm surprised you didn't already know."

"Marisa and I have a dance class at 8:00 AM, so I didn't have a chance to get online," I replied and sat down next to him.  As soon as I settled in, I rested my head against his shoulder.  "I remember when you introduced us to him when we went to England with you.  He was really nice. I like him."

"He was amazing," Nathan smiled.  "Not that he thought it, but you, me and a lot of other people out there did."

"At least we have his books and stories to remember him," I pointed out.  

"I have a lot more than that," Nathan said with a smile that aroused my curiosity.  

"Oh? What did you two have wild night together or something?" I asked innocently, while batting my eyes at him.

"We had a few nights where... HEY!" as cut himself off as the penny finally dropped.

I was still laughing at his reaction as he desperately tried to explain that nothing 'unnatural' as he put it, ever happened between the two of them.  "We just had a few good laughs together, that's all," he  finished with scowl that was not remotely intimidating.

Taking his hand I squeezed it and said more seriously, "I know it's hard losing another friend.  It's not something you ever get used to, is it?  No matter how long you've been around."

"No, it isn't," he said quietly, as that curious smile suddenly reappeared on his face.  "But, I can take solace in the fact that for me they're never really gone.  My memories are different than most people's."

"How so?" I asked curiously.

For a moment he didn't answer.  Instead he seemed to be gathering his thoughts and then said, "T think Terry put it best when he said..."

"Now most people, can recall a number of things from their past.  But I can recall everything!"

I stared at him in wonder for a moment.  "Everything?" I repeated.

He nodded.  "Our brains are taking in all kinds of information all the time.  The feel of the breeze on our skin, someone's smile, how it felt to kiss a person you've longed for the first time, the works.  But it's so hard to remember every little detail."

"I can remember a lot of things," I pointed out.  

"Of that I'm certain, but how hard is it to remember all the things that you saw and witnessed in 1999?"

I started to say something then stopped.  "You mean, in the entire year?  Everything I saw or did within that time?"

He nodded.

Blinking I shook my head.  "No, I don't think I could.  I've probably forgotten most of it."

At that point Nathan shook his head, "No you haven't.  It's all there, but it's stashed away in different areas of the brain where you can't always access them.  But it's all there."


Immediately my mind began picturing photos and letters all scattered about in a huge room inside my head.  Only it looked like total chaos.  "But you can keep track of it all, can't you?" I asked.

"With effort, but yes," he smiled.  "I can recall everything friends like Terry ever said or did in front of me.  Plus there are always the stories other people told me about him."

"And you never forget any of it?" 

"Not a single thing," he replied.

"Then, you remember 'everyone' you've ever met and all the things they did?" I whispered in awe.

This time his smile became even wider.  "Now you got it."

"So you're like a walking repository of other people's lives.  The ones who only family and friends knew about, because they never became famous or well known," I murmured in growing awe.  

"That's definitely one way of looking at it," he nodded after thinking it over for a few seconds.  "And I share those memories with their descendants so they're never forgotten."

"So you make sure their memories stay alive," I smiled.

"I can do better than that," Nathan winked.  "If the person is in tune enough with me, I can share those memories so they can have them as well."

This was news to me so I quickly begged him to share one with me, which he did.  It might not have been the one he'd intended but I saw Mr. Pratchett holding a broom, next to the actor who played "Death" in one of the Discworld movies.  Both were pointing at each other with amusement and camaraderie, then I felt something... calm and at peace.  I knew that last part came from Nathan.  It was how he was feeling about losing another friend.    

Having read the Discworld books myself I knew that when Death collected someone there would be a desert for them to cross.  "Do you think Mr. Pratchett's already crossed it?" I asked Nathan as we were still linked.

To my surprise Nathan shook his head and said, "No.  Somehow I think he's in a cottage that is much bigger on the inside and colored in different shades of black, which is filled with all kinds of cats.  Across from him Death is holding out a cup of tea saying, "ALBERT AND I WERE WONDERING IF YOU COULD STAY A WHILE AND TELL US A STORY...",  That's where I think he is, anyway."

"I think so too," I smiled and gave Nathan a kiss, knowing the memory of it would never be lost.

**Special Note: The section where Death is talking to Mr. Pratchett was created by my wife Helen, who gave me permission to share it in this entry.  Thank you my love.**

Friday, January 30, 2015

Lisa's Private Thoughts October 12th, 2011 "Vintage Clothing, Nathan, and Burlesque"

Uncle Nathan is the coolest guy ever!  

Back when we'd been in Europe he'd promised to take me to some places that had vintage clothing and today he did just that.  It was a raining today so we didn't have to worry about the sun bothering him as we drove around.  At the first place we stopped I found this really nice-looking old bustle skirt in black that fit just perfect.  Unfortunately, it was a little out of my price range, but not Nathan's.  He bought if for me.  

"It looked perfect on you," he explained.  "And I would know, I spent a lot of time looking at women from the front, from behind, all around in fact."

I gently slugged him on the arm for that one and called him a pervert to which he replied, "Excuse me, I did work in theater for a coupled of decades doing a lot of different jobs, including helping with people's outfits.  I had to make sure they looked right before they went on stage."

"Sure, you did," I teased back.

"Right, that does it," he announced and took me to a theater that was running a burlesque show.

Now before anyone freaks out, the show wasn't going to be on until later.  So the only people there were a couple of the girls who were rehearsing and the troupe's leader, a woman named Olivia.  Much to my surprise when she spotted Nathan her face lit up and she came running over to give him a big hug crying, "Uncle Nate!  Oh, how I've missed you.  Hey, everyone Nate's here!"

I swear one of these days I'm going to find out exactly how many people are part of his 'extended family' besides mine.  Back in Europe there were quite a few, but now I'm beginning to think that the the actual numbers are much larger.  

In this case it made sense.  Apparently a number of friends and cousins were in charge of this burlesque troupe.  I don't think all of them know his real secret as a couple of the people mentioned how unusual it was to see him in the day.  "You usually only come around at night when we have a show going," one mentioned.

Uncle Nate merely waggled his eyebrows and said, "Well, you have to admit the sites around here are much more interesting at night."

While everyone burst out laughing, I was given the grand tour backstage while Nathan was giving people a hand here and there with the backstage equipment and event he costumes.  Apparently he was telling the truth as several of the girls asked for his opinion and help with some of their outfits.  I think a few were trying to flirt, but mostly they did want his advice and help.

It was interesting to see all the inner workings of a theater backstage.  I'd never been behind the scenes before, so this was a real treat for me.  

Plus I got to see inside one of the dressing rooms where they kept all the clothing and make-up.   One of the things they all stressed to me was although I wanted to go for an authentic look I should also keep in mind, be able to move and breathe.  

"We don't just get out there and start stripping, we're dancing," one girl told me.  "We do splits and a lot of other acrobatics.  And some of us are wearing corsets and those can be constricting so if you're not careful you could make your life really miserable.  So choose items that allow movement and fabrics that breathe and you'll be okay."

I thought this was great advice, because the theater teacher at my high school has been complimenting me on my outfits lately.  She says I have an eye for style and authentic looks and has been hinting I should maybe join her class.  I told her I'd think about it and now I really am.  This could be a great experience for me and open up some doors down the road.  I may do it since I have more time to myself these days.  Marisa is still being distant, but at least now I know what's going on.  Her dad is fighting cancer and she's spending as much time with him as possible in case things go bad.   

I'd love to be there for her, but my parents say I should respect her wishes to be with her family more, so I'm giving her her space.  I'm still going to try and be there for her as much as possible, especially at school.  But I'm going to do as my parents say and giver her her space.  I just hope things go well so we can start hanging together again.  I really miss her.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

An Early Halloween Treat From Me To You!

*HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!  I decided to give you all an early treat by sharing a snippet from "The Vampyre Blogs" novel itself.  Unlike the other entries you've seen here on this blog, this entry actually shows up in the book.  I was careful to choose this particular entry since all three characters are well known to you by now.  Plus it doesn't give too much away, while hopefully leaving you with some questions to think about until the novel's release at Christmas.  So without further ado, here are Marisa, Lisa and Nathaniel.  I hope you enjoy*

MARISA’S MUSINGS - October 7th, 2012

It’s been such a strange day, especially this evening.  I still don’t know what think at the moment. 
Waking up and finding Dad was still at home sitting in front of the TV just like in my dreams, gave me a start.  Especially when I saw he looked a little greyish, but then Mom opened the curtains and I saw he was just tired.  I literally blew a sigh of relief, but it still set me on edge for the rest of the day.
Unfortunately, most of my classes were on the quiet and boring side today, which meant I kept worrying about my dad.
Thank God Lisa was in all of them with me.  I don’t know what I would’ve done without her around trying to distract me.  But I still couldn’t get that damn dream out of my head.  It had felt so real.  Then, just as we arrived at The Crypt, I started wondering if it had actually been some kind of warning. The idea it might be really put me on edge. 
Unfortunately, that’s when Dianne showed up and started in with me, as usual.  Normally I can ignore her comments, but tonight, I just couldn’t.  God I feel so bad about what happened.  Poor Lisa got caught up in things and could’ve wound up getting hurt if Nathaniel hadn’t stepped in when he did.
I still feel bad about blowing up at him the way I did at the time.  But that’s not the only thing that’s bothering me about him.  After tonight, I can’t look at him the same way I used to.
Finding out he was once married and that his wife pass away in his arms, really hit me hard.  I guess that’s why I kissed him the way I did.  I just wanted to wipe away the pain I knew he was experiencing at that moment, along with my own.  I didn’t tongue him or anything, but for a second I nearly did.  Something about him that made me feel so alive that I didn’t want it to stop.  But I remembered Lisa was with us and I know she has a crush on him.  So I backed off.  But a part of me wanted to go right back to kissing him.   I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone so bad in all my life. 
And truth be told, I still want him.  But I’m also a little leery of him, because of because of what happened next. 
I excused myself and started to fix my make-up.  After all that crying I’d done earlier, I knew I must look like hell. 
Nathaniel was kind enough to walk away and give me my space, while Lisa checked on me quick before she went over to join him at the window.  As I heard the two of them talking quietly, I stole a glance over my shoulder.  Lisa was hanging onto him in a playful way, and I started to get jealous for a moment. 
Quickly, I shook my head and pulled out my compact so I could use the mirror as I fixed my make-up.  Surprisingly, I didn’t look too bad and was able to make myself presentable rather quickly. 
Then I decided to use the mirror to take another at Lisa and Nathaniel to see what they were up to.  And that’s when it happened.  I could see Lisa still acting if she were draped all over Nathaniel, only he wasn’t there. 
I blinked and stared at the mirror again, but the image had not changed.  From the way Lisa was positioned, I knew she had to be hanging onto someone, because there was no way she could keep her balance in that pose.  But there was no one there. 
Carefully I took another look over my shoulder and saw the two of them just as I had before.  Then I looked back at my mirror and saw only Lisa holding on to empty air.  I let out a little gasp and dropped everything, including the compact which shattered on impact. 
Immediately, Lisa came rushing over to see what was wrong and quickly helped me gather everything.  Nathaniel on the other had stayed by the window.  He seemed to be in deep thought. 
Naturally, I didn’t tell either of them what I saw, or rather what I didn’t see.  Instead, after Lisa helped me get all my make-up back in the purse, I told them I felt like going back down to the dance floor.   I’d remembered there were huge mirrors on the walls down there and wanted to see what would happen when we got down there. 
To my amazement and relief, I saw all three of our reflections in every one of them.  At that point I was fully ready to believe my eyes had simply played a trick on me. 
But now my mind has gone back to the day in my Aunt Betsy’s office when I first met Nathaniel.  She had brought in those beautiful fresh cut flowers.  But after he went near them to get his coat and hat,  we’d found them black and withered.
Is he what I think he is?  I’ve seen enough movies to know all the signs.   Yet, I saw his reflection in the mirrors of the club.  Plus he has a bunch of mirrors in his home which I’ve seen him use.

No, I think I’ve just been stressing out too much lately.  There’s no such thing as vampires.  Right?